"Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well"
-Vincent Van Gogh
each and every time i go to the metropolitan museum in new york is a new and wonderful day,
i love to walk aimlessly around the grounds, its what i called 'perfection'
and above are just a few of of my personal faves...
oh happiest of days today ^_^
Ive started a new personal project (well its kinda the reviving and tweaking of an old one)
Ive taking Georgia O'Keeffe's inspiring words and started to work on my own personal paintings, drawings and photography of me new york feelings and memories..
(more on that in the coming posts)
a quick note of thanks to my fellow bloggers sweet comments,
your lovely words are encouraging and kind..
i look forward to your future posts, xx
hope you all had joyous days too...
-Vincent Van Gogh
each and every time i go to the metropolitan museum in new york is a new and wonderful day,
i love to walk aimlessly around the grounds, its what i called 'perfection'
and above are just a few of of my personal faves...
oh happiest of days today ^_^
Ive started a new personal project (well its kinda the reviving and tweaking of an old one)
Ive taking Georgia O'Keeffe's inspiring words and started to work on my own personal paintings, drawings and photography of me new york feelings and memories..
(more on that in the coming posts)
a quick note of thanks to my fellow bloggers sweet comments,
your lovely words are encouraging and kind..
i look forward to your future posts, xx
hope you all had joyous days too...
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